Benefits of Black Tea vs Green Tea
Following are health benefits of black tea vs green tea described one by one.
Health Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea is rich in poly phenol catechins, which are powerful antioxidants.
Green tea is an excellent source of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a potent antioxidant, according to the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine. Researchers have studied the effects of green tea and its constituents, including EGCG. They believe that they can protect against inflammatory neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Sarah Olszewski is a registered dietitian and nutritionist who advises Cure Hydration, a plant based electrolyte beverage mix. In Alzheimer’s disease, tau proteins abnormally bind together into fibrous tangles that lead to the death of brain cell. Green tea consumption could be one way to improve cognition, and lower the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Researchers are also investigating the effects of green Tea on longevity. They are specifically interested in DNA sequences known as telomeres. A shorter telomere may be linked to a shorter lifespan and an increased risk of disease. In a recent six-year Scientific Reports study, more than 1,900 participants concluded that drinking green tea reduces the risk of telomere shortened compared to coffee and soft drinks.
Smith says that green tea has anticancer properties which may help reduce the risk of skin tumors and premature aging. According to a 2018 review published in Photo dermatology Photo immunology and Photomedicine, topical application with tea polyphenols (ECGC) could help prevent UVB rays penetrating the skin and causing oxidative stresses, potentially reducing skin cancer risk. These effects need to be confirmed by additional clinical trials in humans.
According to a review published in 2017, drinking green tea can provide cognitive benefits. These include reducing anxiety, improving memory, and cognition. According to a separate review from 2017, the caffeine and l’theanine found in green tea seem to improve attention, and reduce distraction.
Smith cautions that more research is required to understand the neuroprotective effect of green tea compounds on humans.
Health Benefits of Black Tea
Smith says that while both black and green are caffeine-rich, the levels of caffeine in black tea can be higher depending on how it’s processed and brewed. This means black tea is more likely than green to give you a boost.
Researchers concluded that drinking between one and four cup of black tea per day with a caffeine consumption between 450 milligrams to 600 milligrams could help prevent depression in a study published in 2021 in the Journal African Health Sciences.
Black tea may help people with low blood pressure to increase their blood pressure. Dr. Tiutan also says that black tea’s flavonoids and polyphenols may reduce oxidative stresses, inflammation, and carcinogenesis.
In a 2022 study, nearly 500,000 men & women aged 40-69 were studied. The results showed a modest correlation with drinking at least two cups of black tea a day and a reduced risk of death when compared to those who didn’t drink tea.
“It is the largest study of its kind, with a follow-up period just over 10 years, and it had positive results in terms of mortality benefits,” says Dr. Tiutan. He adds that the conclusions of this study are in conflict with those of previous studies which have had mixed results. Dr. Tiutan also notes that the participants in this study were predominantly white. Therefore, further research is needed to understand black tea’s effect on mortality across a wider population.
Detriments of Black Tea vs Green Tea
Green Tea: 5 potential detriments
Green tea consumption may cause certain side effects. Green tea consumption may:
- It can cause nausea, stomach pain, and constipation if consumed on an empty tummy. Some people may experience acid reflux or acidity.
- Certain medications can be affected. Green tea, for example, may enhance the effects of stimulant drugs and affect the efficacy or effectiveness of medication to treat high blood pressure.
- Risk of iron deficiency. Green tea tannins can bind with iron to form insoluble compounds in the digestive system, making iron from foods and supplements less absorbed by the body.
- Caffeine can cause anxiety to worsen in individuals susceptible.
- When consumed more than six cups per day by pregnant women, it can be harmful to their health and increase the risk of birth defect in babies due to a folic acid deficit.
Black Tea: 5 potential detriments
According to the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health, moderate black tea consumption is safe for most people. However, pregnant women and nursing mothers should limit their intake to three cups per week. More than this amount can cause headaches or irregular heartbeat.
Some people with certain medical conditions can experience symptoms that worsen if they consume black tea. Black tea consumption is not recommended for those with certain conditions, according to the National Library of Medicine.
- Anxiety: Black tea’s caffeine can worsen anxiety.
- Caffeine can cause an irregular heartbeat.
- Bleeding disorders: Tea can slow blood clotting.
- Black tea consumption may affect blood sugar levels.
- Black tea may increase the risk of seizures and reduce the effectiveness of anti-seizure medications.
The similarities between black and green tea
There are significant differences when comparing green and black tea. There is a wide range of teas within black tea vs green tea categories, from vegetal green teas to nutty black teas. Other than black and green teas, there are several other categories, such as white and pu-erh teas. Each has its own distinct differences and strengths. The similarities between black and green teas are greater than their differences. You can be sure that no matter which type of tea you drink, you will get a healthy, tasty cup.
Caffeine in Green Tea vs Black Tea
Green tea has less caffeine than black – about 35 mg in an 8-ounce cup (230 ml), compared to 39-109 mg in the same amount of black tea.
Is Black Or Green Tea Better For You?
Both black tea vs green tea have similar benefits for the heart and brain. Green tea may have more antioxidants than black tea, but the evidence is not strong enough to favor one over the other. Both teas contain caffeine, a stimulant. L-theanine is a calming compound. Black tea has a stronger caffeine buzz than green tea.
Is It Okay To Drink Tea Every Day?
It is possible, but it shouldn’t be your sole source of water. Watch your total caffeine intake during the day. This is especially important for pregnant women, those taking stimulants or caffeine-sensitive people, and for those with high eye pressure. High caffeine intake can cause glaucoma. Experts suggest a daily limit of between 300-400 milligrams. About 100 milligrams are in a cup of coffee. Green tea contains 28 milligrams while black decaf has only 2 milligrams. Tea contains tannins which bind to iron, and reduce the body’s absorption of it. In one study, drinking tea after eating reduced absorption of iron that is not heme (found in plants-based foods).
Bottom Line
Both green and black tea contain poly phenols, which have powerful antioxidant effects. This could reduce your risk of developing heart disease. Both contain caffeine, which increases alertness and concentration, and L-theanine to calm your body and release stress.
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